We've reached the point where it is important to begin thinking about what worked last time and what changes we need to make for this year's trip.
One thing on which we agree is that we took too much in anticipation of cold weather which really never materialized, or was so brief we really didn't have to "dress for it." A hoodie and/or light jacket is really sufficient for anything New Mexico is likely to present in the way of weather, regardless of altitude. So the big foldover monster of a suitcase stays home. I think we might opt for a soft tote that will hold whatever we think we might need (but then again might not), and that can be stashed in a back corner somewhere and not be touched until and unless necessary.
We also need to think ahead and make sure we call and make reservations for any special tours we might like to take. The tour of Georgia O'Keeffe's home, for example, is one we need to plan ahead of time. I was told by our hosts in Abiquiu that the tours fill up quickly.
I'm already starting to stockpile things I know we will need. If I see something on sale, and I've already decided it is a necessity, I buy it and put it aside: moisturizer with sunscreen, 12 packs of soda or iced tea, granola bars, etc.
There is also the laptop environment. It is important that I update my bookmarks and password keeper on that computer, install the software for my new Blackberry and the card reader I bought, and generally make sure I'm comfortable with the way things are setup.
It is still a month before we leave, but waiting until the last minute to do everything is terribly stressful (at least for me), and I find it is much easier to take things a little at a time. It keeps me focused and organized, and it leaves me time to discover mistakes in judgment or decisions and rectify them before we leave.